Now that autumn has arrived, we wanted to caution individuals about the dangers of chopping their own firewood. In addition to the chances of being injured by the axe or chainsaw, there’s also the possibility that it may cause a heart attack. Just ask professional singer-songwriter, Andre Lauren Benjamin, also known as Andre 3000. He lost his father earlier this year in a firewood related incident.

So what causes some person to experience heart attacks while chopping firewood but not others? In a word, it’s inactivity. Experts widely agree that sedentary people are more likely to experience heart attacks when they suddenly become engaged in vigorous activities that tax their cardiovascular system, like chopping wood. Thankfully, there are ways to avoid having that happen.

The Center for Disease Control and Prevention’s experts suggests that people with a history of being inactive should seek out the advice of a trusted physician before engaging in activities like chopping and stacking firewood. That way, the doctor can determine if the person’s cardiovascular system is strong enough for those kinds of workouts. If it’s not, a great alternative is to order firewood and have it delivered free.

We currently sell and deliver firewood for free in both Maryland and Northern Virginia, but stacking service is not included. So it is best for inactive individuals to order the firewood and ask family members or friends to assist with the stacking. If family and friends are not available, it may be prudent to hire temporary help or find someone willing to volunteer his or her time.

Once the firewood is delivered free and stacked accordingly, it’s best to plan ahead. After all, the wood will need to be transported from the stacked piles to the hearth for burning. For that, we’d suggest clearing a path from the stack to the home and investing in a wood cart that’s outfitted with wheels. It will make transporting the logs to the fireplace less taxing on the body.

To learn more and make arrangements to have a full or half cord delivered to your place of residence or business, please contact us while supplies last.