
The Many Uses of Wood Chips

The Many Uses of Wood Chips

The many uses of wood chips! Not only are they in abundant supply (from road crews, electric companies, and tree service companies) but they’re also easy and tempting to use them everywhere. Here are the top places we’ve see them used. Mulch with Wood Chips Old,...
How to Measure for Bulk Materials

How to Measure for Bulk Materials

The first step when beginning any new project that needs bulk materials is measuring how much material you need. You do will not want to run out of material half way through the project and need to reorder more, nor would you want to finish and realize that you have...
What is the best landscaping stone?

What is the best landscaping stone?

When designing your landscaping, you have to think outside of the traditional features. Think beyond the flora and fauna, beyond the fencing. Look into the small details of your yard — because, surprisingly, that is what people will notice the most. These small...
How Much Rock Do I Need?

How Much Rock Do I Need?

Whether you are looking for gravel for a driveway, recycled concrete for a pathway, or pebbles for a flower bed, Saunders Landscape Supply is here to help you. We have a large variety of rocks available, but what all these different types have in common is their...
Where Can I Get Free Mulch?

Where Can I Get Free Mulch?

Often we get the question from homeowners: Where can I get free mulch? There are more than 400,000 U.S. landscaping companies, and some produce so many wood chips that they’re literally giving mulch away for free. Other landscaping services will offer to dump...