
Where Can I Get Free Mulch?

Where Can I Get Free Mulch?

Often we get the question from homeowners: Where can I get free mulch? There are more than 400,000 U.S. landscaping companies, and some produce so many wood chips that they’re literally giving mulch away for free. Other landscaping services will offer to dump...
Landscaping with Pea Stone

Landscaping with Pea Stone

Pea stone is used for more do-it-yourself projects this time of year than any other. It is visually pleasing, easy to transport and spread and does not cost a lot of money.  There are many color and texture options available, so take advantage of your landscape by...
What’s the Best Mulch for a Vegetable Garden?

What’s the Best Mulch for a Vegetable Garden?

What’s the best mulch for my vegetable garden? It’s a question a lot of people are asking now this time of year, when people are thinking about what to plant when the weather is more amenable. The fact is the best mulch depends on your needs Michigan State...
Fall Landscaping Tips and Tricks

Fall Landscaping Tips and Tricks

Fall is approaching, and while some think that means an end to landscaping, they couldn’t be more wrong. The landscaping you do in the early part of this season is necessary for a smooth transition back into the planting season. Not to mention it’s one of the...
Where Can I Get Free Mulch?

The High Cost of Free Mulch

There are more than 400,000 U.S. landscaping companies, and some produce so many wood chips that they’re literally handing out free mulch. Other landscaping services will offer to drop mulch at your house for a small delivery fee. If you’re one of the 49% of Americans...