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Core Aeration Cures Rainy Season Woes

With the hot months of summer behind us, it’s time for homeowners to turn their attention to what’s shaping up to be a very wet autumn. Yards with underlying soil compaction issues, impenetrable grass or serious thatch accumulation can see poor drainage and sickly...
A Head-Turning Lawn with Organic Topsoil

A Head-Turning Lawn with Organic Topsoil

Don’t celebrate yet, but it seems spring is finally here! After the winter we endured, it’s especially important now to give your lawn TLC to ensure lush and healthy growth in the next few weeks. Organic topsoil is one of the most important steps in this preparation....
Landscaping with Pea Stone

Landscaping with Pea Stone

Pea stone is used for more do-it-yourself projects this time of year than any other. It is visually pleasing, easy to transport and spread and does not cost a lot of money.  There are many color and texture options available, so take advantage of your landscape by...