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Did you make it a point to sign up for the Old Line State’s Grow 100 Challenge this year? If so, how’s everything going with your vegetable beds? If the signs are all pointing towards a poor outcome, you may want to consider having screened topsoil delivered free, right to your driveway.

Unlike other forms of soil, it has been run through a very fine screen. And believe it or not, that single step often makes a world of difference. It in effect, goes a long way in removing unwanted stones, manmade particulates and other materials that can contribute towards common soil problems. The list of common problems that we are referring to includes compaction and poor drainage.

We have found that because it is prescreened to ½ of an inch, the topsoil is ideal for creating vegetable beds out of standard and unusual shaped containers alike. That’s because the consistency of the soil helps water, fertilizer and other gardening additives flow unfettered to all areas of the enclosed space.

In addition, the soil’s inherent characteristics allow the plants’ root systems to have ample room to spread out and grow deep into the bed. For times when you want to plant vegetables like the following, that’s an extremely important feature to have:

  • Summer Squash, Sweet Potatoes and Watermelon
  • Cucumbers, Pumpkins and Asparagus
  • Parsnips, Lima Beans and Tomatoes
  • Rhubarb, Chard and Cantaloupe
  • Eggplant, Beets and Carrots
  • Dry, Snap and Pole Beans
  • Peas, Peppers and Kale

Of course you don’t have to reserve the screened topsoil for beds designed to hold deep-rooting vegetables. It is ideal for use with shallow and medium-rooting vegetable beds too. To learn more about these and the additional benefits of container gardening with screened topsoil, please contact us. We can deliver anywhere from 5 to 15 cubic yards of the best topsoil around right to your property’s driveway.