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Don’t celebrate yet, but it seems spring is finally here! After the winter we endured, it’s especially important now to give your lawn TLC to ensure lush and healthy growth in the next few weeks. Organic topsoil is one of the most important steps in this preparation.

Our organic topsoil has four ingredients:  Clay, salt, sand, and organic matter. Each has a different size, maximizing the topsoil’s ability to hold water and then release it to your flowers and vegetables so they grow and thrive. And, this topsoil is adaptable to any landscape—just add more or less of any of these ingredients.

What makes the topsoil organic? It contains living organisms but doesn’t contain toxins. In order to receive the organic distinction, it undergoes a process whereby it is screened, modified, tested for chemicals and a certain pH balance, and determined to meet other rigorous requirements. Although it can be slightly more expensive than regular topsoil, organic topsoil offers great advantages—it’s a better investment in your lawn and a healthier one for you, your family, and the environment.

Topsoil Tips for Top Notch Grass

Saunders Landscape Supply has been providing topsoil for over 18 years, and we’ve created a mix that is great at growing beautiful lawns. We recommend applying it in the next couple of weeks to ready your lawn for summer. Don’s three easy steps will get you there:

  1. Use core aeration:  Make holes that are two inches deep and ¾ inch diameter in your lawn to let air, nutrients, and water reach existing grass   plants’ roots.
  2. Cover with organic topsoil:  Spread topsoil about one inch thick over your lawn so existing plants can grow through. One cubic yard covers approximately 300 square feet. Any thicker than one inch, and you risk suffocating your existing grass.
  3. Overseed:  Plant new grass with a ratio of ten pounds of seed per 1,000 square feet (4,500 square feet requires 45 pounds of grass seed).
  4. Keeping the new seed watered is crucial. Water daily for five minutes in each spot for 15 consecutive days.

In addition to high quality organic topsoil, we offer select local native topsoil, compost, and Orgro. In the Northern Virginia and Maryland areas, we can deliver direct to your driveway at no charge.  Nothing says summer like a full and vibrant lawn. Start now with organic topsoil, and you (and your neighbors) will be seeing green for a long time.

Use our material calculator on the right to see how much topsoil you’ll need. Order here or call us.